Do not worry

Do not worry - banner

Passage: Matthew 6:25-34 Preacher: Mark Kingston


Imagine Jesus, strolling through the dusty streets of first-century Palestine. Picture Him with a sparkle in His eyes, a tune on His lips. Not just the "man of sorrows," but the happiest person who ever lived. Jesus had a profound sense of joy which was rooted not in his own accomplishments, but in a deep awareness of His Father's unending goodness.

This joy is the backdrop to His teachings - like the time when He tells us not to worry in Matthew 6:25-34. In our world, filled with chaos and uncertainty, Jesus' call to "not worry" might seem naive. But in fact, He’s offers a radically different way to engage with life's challenges.

Worry is like a heavy heavy load we carry. The Greek word for worry, "merimnao," literally means "a divided mind." It quite literally divides our minds between the present and an uncertain future. Jesus invites us to live with a singular focus on God's Kingdom. Consider the birds and flowers - they show us how to live freely, trusting in God's provision without anxiety. If God cares for them, how much more does He care for us?

Instead of dealing with today AND worrying about tomorrow, Jesus calls us to focus ourselves on the Kingdom of God. He calls us to seek it instead of other things that promise security. This means asking God to help us long for what he longs for. It means filling our gaze, our minds and our imaginations with Him. God gives us this challenge: ”You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13, NIV). Finding God and knowing his love deep in our hearts is the only true source of peace.

One last thing: Jesus call to “not worry” and to “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness” is given to us as a community. This journey from worry to peace and joy is one we need to do together. Just imagine if we were known to be a community known to be full of the deep-peace-of-God! What if we had peace overflowing - enough to pass on to others?

As the world heads into greater chaos and uncertainty, Jesus call to not worry is more important than ever. So, let's ask for God’s help to become the people of peace we are meant to be…


These questions are designed to help you dive a little deeper into this topic. They're not just for your head, but for your heart too, so take your time with them. Maybe grab a coffee, find a quiet spot, and really let them sink in.

  1. What are the specific worries and fears that weigh you down, and how do they manifest in your daily life?
    Take a moment to identify the anxieties that divide your mind and acknowledge their presence.

  2. Reflect on what currently gives you a sense of security. What aspects of your life, if removed, would cause you significant fear or anxiety?
    Consider the sources of your security and how they influence your feelings of safety.

  3. Have you experienced moments of God's peace? What was it like? How did your experience impact your perspective on worry?
    Think about times when focusing on God brought you peace and think about how that changed your outlook.

  4. How can you incorporate bringing your daily worries to God into your routine, asking for His help and guidance?
    Challenge yourself to develop a habit of presenting your anxieties to God regularly through prayer.

  5. In what ways can we, as a community, support each other in moving from worry to peace, creating a collective atmosphere of trust in God?
    What could we do together that could help us shift our focus from individual worries to shared peace?




Do not judge!


Treasure in Heaven